Homemade Oats Moisturizer for babies

Homemade Oats Moisturizer For Babies

Homemade Oats Moisturizer: A Natural Solution for Baby’s Dry Skin

Did you know that oats, a common kitchen ingredient, can work wonders for your baby’s delicate skin? Oats have long been used as a natural remedy for various skin issues, and when combined with oils like coconut and almond, they create a soothing and nourishing moisturizer for dry, irritated baby skin.

Colloidal oats — which is simply regular oats finely ground into a powder — act as a powerful emollient. They allow essential nutrients to be more easily absorbed by the skin, making them perfect for treating common baby skin issues like diaper rash, dryness, and irritation.

Let’s dive into this simple, yet effective recipe for a homemade Oats Moisturizer that can help keep your baby’s skin soft, smooth, and hydrated.


  • 1 cup powdered oats (or colloidal oats)
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup almond oil

How to Make:

Mix the oils: Start by mixing the coconut oil and almond oil in a bowl.

Heat using the double boil method:
To ensure the oats don’t get burnt, heat the oil mixture using the double boil method. Here’s how:

Fill a pan with water and bring it to a boil.

Homemade Oats Moisturizer for babies

Once boiling, place the bowl containing the oil mixture inside the pan of hot water. This gently heats the oils without direct contact with the flame.

Homemade Oats Moisturizer for babies

Add the oats:
Slowly add the finely powdered oats to the oil mixture. Stir continuously to avoid lumps and keep stirring until you see a mild froth forming. This indicates that the oats have fully dissolved into the oils.

Homemade Baby Moisturizing Oil

Cool and store:
Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool down. Once cooled, pour the moisturizer into a clean, dry storage container and store it in a cool, dry place.

Homemade Oats Moisturizer for babies

How to Use:

To treat dryness and retain your baby’s skin moisture, gently massage the oats moisturizer all over their body. This natural blend will hydrate and soothe your baby’s skin, leaving it soft and supple.

DIY Baby Moisturizers

Benefits of Oats for Baby’s Skin:

Oats are much more than just a healthy breakfast option! Here’s why they’re an amazing ingredient in skincare:

  • Did you know oats contain Vitamin E?
    Vitamin E is a powerful moisturizer that also helps to exfoliate dead skin cells, making baby skin smoother and softer.
  • Natural antioxidant properties
    Oats contain phenols, which are antioxidants that treat itchy and dry skin, helping to soothe irritated areas like diaper rashes or dry patches.
  • Protein-rich for healthy skin
    The proteins in oats help improve the texture and complexion of the skin, giving your baby’s skin that perfect baby-soft glow.
  • Reduces inflammation
    Oats have anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm red, inflamed skin and ease conditions like eczema.
  • Boosts collagen production
    Stimulating the skin’s natural collagen production, oats help in keeping the skin firm and elastic, promoting healthier, youthful skin.
  • Natural cleanser with saponins
    Oats contain saponins, which act as a natural cleanser, removing dirt and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils.
  • Protection from UV rays
    Oats also contain flavonoids, which protect the skin from harmful UV rays and environmental pollutants.

Why This Homemade Oats Moisturizer is Perfect for Babies:

  1. 100% Natural Ingredients: Using oats, coconut oil, and almond oil means you’re keeping harmful chemicals and artificial fragrances far away from your baby’s skin.
  2. Safe for Sensitive Skin: Oats are gentle and hypoallergenic, making this moisturizer suitable even for babies with eczema or sensitive skin.
  3. Easy to Make at Home: With just a few simple steps and ingredients, you can create a natural moisturizer right in your kitchen.
  4. Multi-purpose: This oats moisturizer can help soothe everything from dry skin to diaper rashes, making it a versatile skincare product for your baby.

So, next time your baby’s skin feels a little dry or irritated, try this DIY Oats Moisturizer. It’s gentle, effective, and loaded with natural goodness that will leave your baby’s skin soft, hydrated, and protected!

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