Painting is a way of letting our creative thoughts out! Everyone may not be a good artist but we all might have loved to paint in childhood! Painting starts in childhood as early as we start to scribble our minds out on the wall. The things we draw and paint showcase the perspective we have on the things we have seen around us. There are many ways to express our perspectives of things around the world, but painting remains the most authentic and ancient way of expressing them. Our ancestors first expressed their thoughts with carvings written on rock which marks the phenomenal difference between humans from other animal kingdoms. Since painting has always remained a great milestone in the cognitive development of human beings. Old habits die hard! It’s it! So, our little human brain functions the same way as that of our ancestors. Their DNA might have trained in the same way of forming neural connections similar to our ancient humans. We, modern parents, may have a different style of parenting prioritising various concerns. But to stimulate neural cognition, we have to rely on the olden ways. Let’s see how we can improve cognitive growth in children through painting.
Creativity With Strokes of Painting

Every human being is creative in his way, no matter the degree of his painting skills, his writing skills, his communication skills, etc. Because no two humans will think the same for everything they see. That makes the world interesting with millions and millions of inhabited humans for thousands of years. Here, to stir out the unique creativity hidden inside the millions of neural connections of the little brain, painting is the only way. The more they paint, the more they form their neural connections and the more they will become creative. The more they become creative, the more they will express their creative side. Creativity doesn’t mark its border with the creative professions but they have their hands through all walks of their life. Creativity lies everywhere from cooking to driving to coding. We can’t ignite it with such complex algorithms at a very early age, and that is why we are seeking the help of million-year-old tactics.
Paint To Improve Fine Motor skills

Every child expert talks about the stimulating Fine motor skills in babies! But what is that fine motor skill? Do you know? Motor which means movement. , Fine motor skills refer to the ability in humans that helps us to make small movements with tiny muscles in our hands and wrists like scrolling the mobile, texting with fingers, scratching your skin and much more. These small movements which form the major needs of daily life seem to come so naturally to humans from birth. Also, we usually don’t even care about developing these skills more precisely like building body muscles or biceps. But fine motor skills unlike those we perceive, it is more complex and needs more concern just like building other muscles. Letting child to paint with their bare hands will help them use their tiny muscles around the hand and wrist which helps them strengthen the fine motor muscles paving the way for reinforcing the fine motor skills that serve them throughout their lifetime.
Painting And Problem Solving

Problem solving is not just finding a solution but it should be effective. In today’s world, solving the problem is not a matter of concern but how the effectiveness of the solution gains more attention. To solve a problem, it is essential to break a huge problem into tiny chunks of smaller units that can be solved or managed separately in an easier way. We can’t teach the systematic approach of problem-solving to year-old kids and that’s why painting takes the charge. I know that your parent mind is wondering how we can teach kids about problem-solving with painting. But believe me, you can! Let’s see how you can do it. Problem-solving ability mainly depends on how a person looks at the problem and it takes perspective skills to gather and differentiate the necessary information or insights to solve a problem. Similarly, painting needs an inherent sense of observation and perspective skills to break any view or thing into little chunks of colourable units that collectively form a final framework of art. Thus, painting provides all the essential skills you need to work out problems and to come out with more effective problems in life.
Paint To Think Better

Critical thinking refers to thinking with consideration of numerous details in mind to arrive at a better solution, When your kid works with painting, they are subjected to choose between more colours, textures and techniques to make the art more appealing which makes up the bedrock of critical thinking at a very early age. Thus, painting can help your kid to be intellectually disciplined and skillfully conceptualise the things around which are essential skill sets for critical thinking.
Also, painting activates the parts of the brain that are responsible for memory retention and concentration which helps your children to have less chance of developing mental disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Painting: A Therapy

In the fast-moving modern world, you can see people driving a car in a hurry. You can see people cooking with tension. You can see people do anything and everything with anxiety and stress. But you can never see a person painting a picture with any mental or emotional strain. As an artist myself, I can’t paint or even try to paint in a bad mood. Even if I do, It leads to messing up things and ending up quitting it. It takes a good mood to create good art. The more your child engages in painting sessions, the more they are in good emotional condition. The more they are in a good mood, the more happier their childhood days are.
How simple right? Painting is some sort of therapy which is offered to all the children around the world to make their childhood happy! So don’t miss offering your child a painting session that will greatly help your kid to develop their cognition more easily without taking any tedious actions and exercises.