The Fox And The Grapes

The Fox And The Grapes

The Fox and The Grapes

Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox. One sunny morning, as the little fox was roaming around, his nose caught a delicious scent of grapes.

The Fox and The Grapes Story

Following the scent, he stumbled upon a vine hanging with bunch of beautiful grapes. The grapes looked so plump and juicy that the fox’s mouth started watering!

The Fox and The Grapes Story

The fox tried to jump up and grab the juicy grapes, but they were too high for him to reach. He tried again and again, stretching his paws as far as they could go, but still he couldn’t reach them. He even tried jumping from different angles, but it was no use. The grapes were too high up!

The Fox and The Grapes Story

Feeling disappointed, the fox sat down and looked up at the grapes longingly. He really wanted to taste the delicious looking grapes, but they seemed impossible to reach.

The Fox and The Grapes Story

After a while, the fox started to think, “Maybe those grapes aren’t so tasty after all. They’re probably sour!” With that thought, the fox convinced himself that he didn’t want the grapes anyway. He shook his head and walked away from the vine, pretending he wasn’t interested to eat those grapes anymore. But deep down, the fox felt disappointed and his tummy still grumbled with hunger.

Kids Story

That night, as the little fox curled up to sleep under the twinkling stars, he felt a pang of sadness in his tummy.

Sometimes when things are hard to get, we might make excuses and say we didn’t want them anyway. But if we keep trying and working hard, we might just get what we want in the end! Instead of giving up easily, it’s important to keep trying and working hard to achieve our goals. With a little perseverance and determination, we can overcome obstacles and reach our dreams, just like the little fox learned to do.


Persistence pays off: don’t give up, keep trying, and you’ll reach your goals.

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