The Peacock and the Tortoise story

The Peacock and the Tortoise Story

The Peacock and the Wise Tortoise

Once upon a time, in a big, green forest, a peacock was dancing beautifully. His feathers were bright blue and green, and he spread them out like a big fan. It was a wonderful sight to see. There was a light rain falling, and the smell of the wet earth made the forest feel magical and fresh. Behind a wood, a little tortoise was hiding and watching the peacock dance.

Kids Story

He was amazed by the peacock’s beauty. After watching for a while, the tortoise couldn’t stay hidden anymore. He came out and said, “Peacock, your dance is so beautiful! I have never seen anything more amazing in the whole world.” But then the tortoise noticed something wrong with the peacock. The peacock looked sad, even though he was dancing so beautifully. The tortoise asked, “Peacock, why are you sad?”

The Peacock and the Tortoise Story

The peacock sighed and said, “I am only beautiful to look at. Have you heard the cuckoo bird? It has the sweetest voice in the whole world. When I try to sing, everyone runs away because my voice is not nice. But people love to listen to the cuckoo bird sing.”

The tortoise was quiet for a moment. He thought hard because he was wise and wanted to help his friend. Then he said, “Dear friend, we all have things we are good at and things we are not so good at. We can’t be good at everything. For example, if I tried to race a rabbit on land, I would surely lose because I am slow on land.

The Peacock and the Tortoise Story

But if we had a swimming race in the water, who do you think would win?”

The Peacock and the Tortoise Story

The peacock thought about what the tortoise said and realized he was right. The peacock decided he should be happy and thankful for his beautiful feathers instead of being sad about his voice.


Everyone is special in their own way. We should be happy and thankful for the things we are good at and not be sad about the things we can’t do.

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