The Unbreakable Chain
Once upon a time in a big, colourful circus, a tiny baby elephant arrived. The baby elephant arrived at the circus full of wonder, hoping to explore and make new friends.

But to his dismay, the circus workers tied a chain around his feet to keep him safe and stop him from running away. The baby elephant was very sad on seeing his dreams of freedom crushed by the heavy restraints. He pulled and tugged, trying his hardest to break free, but the chain was too strong for him.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The little elephant kept trying to break the chain every day, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t do it. The baby elephant became very sad. He thought to himself, “I will never be able to break this chain. I guess I will be stuck here forever.” Eventually, the elephant stopped trying, believing he could never able to break the chain.

Time passed, and the baby elephant grew bigger and stronger. Despite growing big and strong, the elephant remained chained by the same small chain that had confined him when he was young. He never attempted to break free.

One sunny day, a little girl visited the circus. She saw the big elephant with the small chain around his feet. She asked her mom, “Why doesn’t the elephant break free from that tiny chain?”
Her Mom replied, “The elephant was tied to the chain from the time when he was baby. At that time, the chain was too strong for him. Now, he is powerful enough to break not just one, but thousands of those small chains. But, he didn’t even try to break it. He remembered all those times when he was small and couldn’t break free, so he believed it was still impossible.”

Then the little girl asked, “How can we make the elephant to attempt breaking free from the chain?”
Her mom replied, “We can’t do anything about it. What the elephant really needs is to believe in himself once again and give it another try.”
Continuing, her mom said, “In our lives, we often stop trying because we’re afraid of failing. But we don’t realize how much we’ve grown and changed. We should keep trying, and one day, the unbreakable chain that hold us back will get broken.”
The little girl felt sad for the elephant but learned a valuable lesson from its life: we should always give things a try before giving up, because we might not be aware of our true potential.
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