The Crab and The Fish Story

The Crab and The Fish Story

The Crab and The Fish

Once there lived a little fish and her mother in a pond. They swam together every day looking for food. One day, while swimming, the little fish saw a crab with a colorful shell. It was her first time seeing a crab, and she was fascinated by it’s bright red colour. When they got home, the little fish couldn’t stop talking about the crab. Her mother warned her not to go near the crab, fearing he might be dangerous.

The Crab and the Fish

The next day, the little fish saw the crab again and wanted to touch his bright red shell. She remembered her mom’s warning and hesitated but couldn’t resist. She went near the crab without telling her mother. The crab smiled and played with the little fish. The crab also gifted a oyster with pearl. The Little Fish felt happy on seeing the gift. From that day, they talked and played for few days, and the little fish didn’t tell her mom.

Kids Moral Stories

One day, the crab didn’t get any food and was very hungry. On seeing the little fish, the crab can’t resist eating the fish and decided to eat it. As he grabbed her, the little fish was terrified. The Little Fish felt realised that her mother was right about the crab’s intension and felt sorry for not obeying her advice.

The Crab and the Fish Story

Just then, her mother appeared with a spoon and hit the crab, breaking his shell. The crab let go of the little fish, and her mother fought and defeated him.

The Crab and the Fish story

The little fish felt ashamed and apologized to her mom. Her mother explained, “I always give you advice to protect you. You didn’t know, but I followed you every day to keep you safe. The crab seemed suspicious, so I stayed close with a spoon as a weapon. That’s how I saved you today.”


Parents have more experience. Listening to their advice can keep you safe and help you in life. Always heed your parents’ warnings.

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