The Lost Ball Story

The Lost Ball

The Lost Ball

Once upon a time, two boys named Jack and Tom were playing in the garden. They loved playing with their bright orange ball, kicking it back and forth, laughing and having a great time.

Suddenly, Jack kicked the ball a little too hard, and it bounced away from them. “Oh no!” cried Tom as the ball rolled across the grass and disappeared into a small pit.

Kids Story

The boys ran to the edge of the pit and peered inside. They could see their ball at the bottom, but it was too far down for their hands to reach.

“What should we do?” Jack asked, scratching his head.

Tom thought for a moment and said, “Let’s try using a stick to get it out!” They found a long stick nearby and carefully lowered it into the pit, hoping to hook the ball. But no matter how hard they tried, the ball just wouldn’t budge.

The Lost Ball Story

Feeling a bit discouraged, Jack sat down and said, “There must be another way.”

Suddenly, Tom’s face lit up with an idea. “I know! Let’s get a bucket of water from the well!” he exclaimed.

Jack nodded excitedly. “Yes! Water might float the ball up to us!”

The Lost Ball Story

The boys ran to the well, filled a big bucket with water, and hurried back to the pit. Carefully, they poured the water into the pit, watching eagerly. As the water level rose, the ball began to float higher and higher.

“Look! It’s working!” shouted Jack, clapping his hands in excitement.

The Lost Ball Story

Finally, the ball popped up to the top of the pit, and the boys reached in and grabbed it. They jumped up and down, cheering loudly.

“We did it! We got the lost ball back!” Tom exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

With their ball safe and sound, the boys went back to playing, feeling proud of their clever solution. From that day on, they knew that teamwork and a little creativity could solve any problem.


Every problem has a solution.

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